Sunday, March 23, 2008


Here is a list of frequent Requesters, the types of HITs they offer, and roughly how quickly they pay when your HIT is accepted. I will update this list from time-to-time to reflect the current Requesters at mTurk.

note: This is not meant to be a comprehensive list! But it’s a good place to start.

URL for Google Spreadsheet:

If you click on a Requester name, you will be taken (within the iframe) to a search page for all HITs currently listed by that Requester ID. To open a new tab with that search, hold down the CTRL button before clicking. Not all Requesters will have HITs listed.

Any cell with "??" indicates missing data. If you have any of the missing information, contact me and I will update the spreadsheet.

The categories listed in the "Type" column are based on the 6 categories of HITs, described here. In addition, the time to payment is an estimate based on my experience. Beware that Requesters may change their time to payment.

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